Prva Group is an insurance holding company which consists of five subsidiaries operating in Eastern and Central Europe. Within the holding company there are three pension companies, one insurance company and one insurance undertaking company. The Company’s activity includes holding operations in insurance and pension funds.
Mission and vision
We are committed to providing safety in all stages of life. Within the supplementary pension insurance we offer solutions which enable individuals to maintain their lifestyle and social security in retirement. By expanding our offer to life, casualty and health insurance we respond to the other challenges which individuals encounter throughout their whole lives. We understand the needs of our insurants and we are the best choice for their safety. We offer them security through partnership and trust and we strive for the growth and development of our employees as well as community in which we operate.
We consolidate our position as one of the leading financial institutions in Central and Eastern Europe by strengthening our business networks and partnership relations and the development of innovative products. Our vision is to become the largest provider of voluntary and compulsory supplementary pension insurance in the region with at least 25 % market share in countries where the company is present. Development of life insurance is based on the development of pension annuities and innovative life insurance products that are accessible to a wider range of individuals.
PRVA Group was established in December 2000 under the name PRVA Pokojninska družba (PRVA Pension Company) as a specialised pension insurance company in Slovenia. On the basis of expertise, knowledge and qualified experience, the first pension company abroad was established in 2004. In the following years, the penetration of other foreign markets continued, and in 2007 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) took ownership of PRVA, which was included in the company’s ownership structure until 2017, or for the entire projected period.
Today, the insurance holding company PRVA Group operates one life insurance company, PRVA Personal Insurance Company in Slovenia, and 4 pension companies in Europe. PRVA Pensions is considered the largest provider of supplementary pension insurance in terms of number of insured persons and boasts the highest capital adequacy ratio among all supplementary pension insurance providers in Slovenia, while the other companies are KB Prvo penzisko društvo AD Skopje in North Macedonia, DDOR Garant in Serbia and Fondi Slloveno-Kosovar i Pensioneve sh.a. in Kosovo.
Company profile
Company name: | PRVA GROUP, insurance holding company, plc. |
Registered office: | Fajfarjeva ulica 33,
1000 Ljubljana |
Telephone: | 01 234 58 00 |
Fax: | 01 436 12 15 |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Year established | 2000 |
Registration entry | Okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani, št. vl. 1/33277 |
VAT number: | SI28012593 |
Registration number of company: | 1582330
Capital:: | 13.386.247,00 EUR |
President od the management board | Janez Kranjc |
President od the supervisory board | Nicholas Andrew Lindsay Stuart |
Management and supervisory board
- Janez Kranjc, President of the Management Board
Supervisory board
- Nicholas Andrew Lindsay Stuart, President
- Helena Petrin
- Miha Kranjc
- Matej Akrapović
Ownership structure
- PRVA Finance, d.o.o., Devinska ulica 1, Ljubljana; 77,93 %
- Kymah Limited, 24 Chiswell Street, London, 14,83 %
- Ostale pravne in fizične osebe, 7,24 %